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affect1 When something affects you, it means that it makes you feel some emotion. [1/2 definitions]
anger a strong emotion brought on by a person or thing that causes one great pain or trouble. [1/3 definitions]
association the connection of one idea, feeling, or emotion with another. [1/4 definitions]
blaze1 a strong outburst of fire or emotion. [1/4 definitions]
break into If you break into tears, you suddenly begin to show your emotion by crying. If you break into a sweat, your body suddenly shows that it is hot by sweating. [1/3 definitions]
burst to suddenly express feelings or emotion. [1/7 definitions]
choke up to become unable to speak because of strong emotion or stress. [1/2 definitions]
convey "Convey" means to communicate or express something, like a particular meaning or emotion. If your face conveys your excitement, it shows to other people that you are excited. If your words convey your meaning well, other people can clearly understand what you mean. [1/2 definitions]
deep A deep emotion is a strong emotion. If someone has deep sadness, they are very, very sad. [1/5 definitions]
disgusted feeling or showing very intense and immediate disapproval. This intense emotion can make a person angry or even feel sick because of how bad he or she feels that something is.
dramatic If something is dramatic, it shows or causes a lot of emotion. A dramatic scene in a movie makes people feel strong emotion when they watch it. If a person is being dramatic, they are showing strong emotion. If someone reads something in a dramatic way, they make other people feel the emotion in what they are reading. [1/3 definitions]
emoji any of various small visual symbols or images that are used in text messages or emails to communicate an emotion, attitude, wish, opinion, or the like.
emoticon (from "emotion icon") a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters that is placed in an e-mail or text. An emoticon shows the mood of the writer.
emotion a state or condition that is marked by such a feeling or response. [1/2 definitions]
emotional easily moved to feel; tending to experience emotion. [1/3 definitions]
excite When something excites you, your heart starts beating faster and you feel a lot of emotion.
excitement Excitement is a feeling or display of strong emotion. If you feel excitement about something, you might jump up and down about it, or maybe you can't sleep because of it. Excitement is often a very happy feeling about something that is going to happen, but sometimes it is a feeling of being scared or nervous. Excitement makes your heart beat faster. [2 definitions]
explosion When someone has an explosion of emotion, it means that they suddenly show a lot of emotion. You may have an explosion of tears or anger, or an explosion of laughter. [1/2 definitions]
fear something that causes such an emotion. [1/4 definitions]
feel to have or be moved by a strong emotion of. [1/7 definitions]
feeling an emotion. [1/3 definitions]