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bracket one of a pair of punctuation marks ([ ]). They are used to enclose words or numbers. [2/5 definitions]
dike to furnish, enclose, or protect with a dike. [1/2 definitions]
enclose When you enclose something, you put something around it completely. When you enclose a garden, you close it inside a fence or walls to keep it separate from other things. [2 definitions]
encompass to surround or enclose. [1/2 definitions]
envelop to cover, wrap, enclose, or surround.
fold1 to wrap, place in a case, or enclose. [1/8 definitions]
frame to enclose within a rim or border. [1/5 definitions]
inclose another spelling of enclose.
parenthesis either of a pair of punctuation marks ( ). They are used to enclose information that is not part of the main sentence. They are also used to set apart mathematical quantities to be treated as a unit.
shut to put in a place where movement is limited or difficult; confine or enclose. [1/3 definitions]