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estate An estate is a piece of private land that is usually very large and has a large house on it too. Some estates are so big that they have farms on them or stables to keep horses. [2 definitions]
hacienda a large estate used as a farm or ranch. Haciendas can be found in many countries where the people speak Spanish or in the southwestern United States.
lodge a small house on the grounds of a larger house or estate. [1/7 definitions]
manor a large estate and its main house or mansion.
plantation a large farm or estate used for growing rubber, cotton, or other crops to sell.
property a piece of land or real estate. [1/3 definitions]
real estate Real estate is property that might be bought or sold. Real estate is an area of land and everything on it, including buildings, driveways, trees, or other natural things.
villa a large, luxurious country house or estate.