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fake If something is fake, it is made to look like something that it is not. A fake diamond, for example, is not really a diamond. If a tree is fake, it is not a real tree. Maybe it is made out of plastic or some other material that humans make.
false not real; fake or artificial. [1/3 definitions]
feign to pretend or fake; put on a false show of.
fraud a person who uses tricks or lies to get something; fake. [1/2 definitions]
hoax something false or fake presented as true or real. [1/2 definitions]
plastic not honest or genuine in character; fake. [1/4 definitions]
slug1 a small, round piece of metal, such as a bullet or a fake coin. [1/2 definitions]
such and such The little phrase "such and such" has a meaning that is a little like "something" or "some things." But, in a way, "such and such" is just a string of fake words that stands for other words. It substitutes for things or examples that we can't remember, don't feel like mentioning, or that are too many to name or list.