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Afghanistan Afghanistan is a country in Asia. It is in an area of the world called the Middle East. It is a country with many mountains, but other parts of the country are low and dry. Soccer is one of the favorite sports in Afghanistan, and rice with raisins and cooked carrots is a popular food.
Belarus Belarus is a country in Europe. Two of its neighbors are Russia and Poland. Belarus has forests, farms, and many, many lakes, but most of the people in Belarus live in cities. A favorite food to eat in Belarus is pancakes made from fried potatoes.
boyfriend (informal) a favorite male friend or companion.
favorite If your favorite fruit is watermelon, it means that watermelon is the fruit you like the most. If your favorite sport is volleyball, then volleyball is the sport you like the best. [3 definitions]
favourite a spelling of "favorite" used in Canada and Britain. See "favorite."
girlfriend a favorite female friend that one feels attraction or love for. [1/2 definitions]
particularly If you choose red roses particularly, you choose red roses instead of any other flowers because of some special reason. Maybe you just like them best, for example. Or maybe you know they are someone's favorite. If you want to speak to some person particularly, you want to speak to that person and not really to any other person. Also, you have some reason why you want to speak to that person and no one else. [1/2 definitions]
pasta Pasta is a kind of food made from flour, eggs, and water. This mixture is made into different shapes and dried. Before we can eat the pasta, we have to cook it in water to make it soft. A favorite kind of pasta in America is spaghetti. Macaroni is a popular kind of pasta too.
pet1 a person who is treated better than others or with special kindness; favorite. [1/4 definitions]
place If your teacher is sick, another person will teach the class in your teacher's place. If your favorite pen is broken, you might use another pen in place of it, or you might use a pencil instead. [1/13 definitions]
share When you share a candy bar with your friend, you don't eat it all yourself. You divide it and give some to yourself and some to your friend. If you share your favorite game with your sister, you let her play with it sometimes. You don't keep it all to yourself. [1/5 definitions]
syrup Syrup is a sweet, sticky liquid that is used in making foods and to add flavor to foods. Maple syrup is a favorite kind of syrup in America, and people like to have it on pancakes and other breakfast foods. Maple syrup is made from sugar, water, and a sticky liquid that comes from a kind of tree called a maple. [1/2 definitions]
worn If something is worn, it is somewhat damaged from being used a lot or used for a long time. If you are beginning to get holes in the elbows of your favorite shirt, for example, it might be because your shirt has become worn. If the fabric of your couch cushions is getting thin, it's because the fabric is worn. [1/2 definitions]