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East Germany a country in north central Europe from 1949 until 1990. East Germany and West Germany are now one country again, officially called the Federal Republic of Germany. East Germany was also called the German Democratic Republic.
FBI the U.S. government agency responsible for investigating crimes against national laws. "FBI" is an abbreviation of "Federal Bureau of Investigation."
federal When we talk about the federal government of a country, we are talking about the government of the whole country and not the government of a state or town. Something federal is connected with the central government of a nation. In the United States, the city of Washington, D.C. is the location of the federal capital.
marshal in the United States, an officer of a federal court whose duties are like those of a sheriff. [1/3 definitions]
West Germany a country in central Europe until 1990. West Germany was once known as the Federal Republic of Germany by itself, but is now united with East Germany to form one country, the current Federal Republic of Germany.