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Children's Dictionary
barnacle a small sea animal that attaches its shell to rocks, the bottom of ships, docks, and other objects in shallow parts of the ocean. Barnacles float freely in the ocean when they are young. They develop shells with sharp edges as adults. Barnacles are kinds of crustaceans.
buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location. [3 definitions]
buoyancy the capacity to float or rise to the top in a liquid or gas.
buoyant able to float or keep something else floating. [1/2 definitions]
float any object that floats on water. A float is often used to hold up something else on or in the water. [1/4 definitions]
fly1 to wave or float in the air. [2/9 definitions]
life preserver a device used to help a person float in water and not drown. A life preserver is usually made in the shape of a ring, belt, or vest.
plate tectonics (used with a singular verb) a theory that scientists use to explain the movement of continents, the eruption of volcanoes, and other changes or events in the earth's geology. The theory of plate tectonics says that the earth's crust is made up of separate sections that are like very large plates. These sections move around constantly because they float on melted rock. The movement of these sections of the crust causes earthquakes.
raft1 a flat platform made of materials that can float, such as wood or barrels filled with air. Rafts are often used to carry people or goods. [2/3 definitions]
stream to float or wave. [1/7 definitions]