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folklore Folklore is all the stories and beliefs of a group of people from a certain place or country. These things are handed down through the years from one generation to the next.
leprechaun an elf in Irish folklore who knows about secret treasure. He must tell the location of the treasure to whomever can catch him.
Saint Nicholas in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas, also called Santa Claus. (abbreviated: St. Nicholas) [1/2 definitions]
Santa Claus in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who typically wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; St. Nicholas.
werewolf in folklore, a human who has changed into or is capable of changing into a wolf and back into a human again.