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Children's Dictionary
fiftieth coming next after the forty-ninth in a series. [2/3 definitions]
fortieth one of forty equal parts of a whole; 1/40. [1/3 definitions]
forty being forty in number. [1/3 definitions]
harp a large musical instrument with an upright triangular frame. Harps have forty-six strings and are played by plucking the strings with the fingers.
Lent the forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter, observed by Christians as a time to fast, pray, and be sorry for having done wrong.
middle age the period of human life between youth and old age, or the years between forty and sixty-five.
middle-aged of a person, being of an age between youth and old age. A middle-aged person is often between forty and sixty-five years of age.
squid a sea animal with a long, soft body and ten strong tentacles. Squids are carnivores that eat other sea animals. They are mollusks and are closely related to octopuses. Squids range in size from quite tiny to over forty feet.
zither a stringed instrument that has a flat sound box and thirty or forty strings. Zithers are played by plucking the strings.