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Children's Dictionary
association friendship or companionship. [1/4 definitions]
attachment a strong feeling of friendship or loyalty to a person, place, thing, or idea. [1/3 definitions]
click (informal) to fit together well in friendship; agree. [1/7 definitions]
companionship the relationship between or among companions; friendship.
fellowship the condition of being companions; company or friendship. [1/2 definitions]
forget-me-not a kind of plant with clusters of blue flowers. The flowers are considered to be symbols of faithfulness in friendship or love.
hug a hold using the arms, often showing love or friendship; embrace. [1/4 definitions]
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love, friendship, passion, or respect. [1/3 definitions]
part company to end a friendship or relationship.
peace pipe a long pipe smoked by some Native American peoples as a sign of peace or friendship.
Saint Valentine's Day a holiday that celebrates love and friendship. Saint Valentine's Day occurs on February 14 of each year. On this day, people often give special cards, candy, flowers, or other nice things to people they care about; Valentine's Day.
souvenir something kept as a reminder of a place, event, or friendship; memento.
Valentine's Day a holiday that celebrates love and friendship. Valentine's Day occurs on February 14 of each year. On this day, people often give special cards, flowers, candy, or other gifts to people they love; Saint Valentine's Day.