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become We use become when we are talking about a change from one thing to another. If a frog becomes a prince, it means that the frog has changed. It was a frog, but now it is a prince. Also, if you become sick, it means that you were feeling fine, but now you are sick.
bullfrog a large frog found in North America that has a loud, deep croak.
croak a low, hoarse sound like that of a frog. [1/2 definitions]
fertilize When an egg from a female animal is fertilized, it receives a special kind of cell from a male animal of the same type, which allows it to become a new animal, such as a baby fish, frog, or bird. [1/2 definitions]
frog1 A frog is a small, jumping animal with smooth skin, long back legs, and no tail. Frogs live in or near water. [2 definitions]
low1 If a note in music is low, it is deep in pitch. For example, the notes that men sing are often low, or they are lower than the notes that women usually sing. Some sounds are low too, like the sound of a big cat's purr or the sound that a big frog makes. [1/10 definitions]
magic Magic is a special power to make things happen, like turning a person into a frog or making something disappear. [1/3 definitions]
metamorphosis the changes in form of some living things as they grow. The change from caterpillar to butterfly or from tadpole to frog are examples of metamorphoses. [1/2 definitions]
tadpole a young frog or toad. A tadpole lives in water and has gills and a tail.
toad a small animal that looks like a frog and has dry, rough skin. Toads are amphibians, but live mostly on land rather than in or near water.