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amusing producing laughter; funny. [1/2 definitions]
anecdote a short tale about a funny or interesting event.
behave When someone or something behaves, it acts or does something in a certain way. When you talk about how birds behave, you are talking about the things that birds do and how they do it. It would be funny if your cat behaved like a dog. Then it might run and catch a ball in its mouth! [1/3 definitions]
clown A clown is someone who wears funny clothes, does funny tricks, and paints his or her face to make people laugh. [1/2 definitions]
comedy a play, film, story, or television show that is funny or happy.
comic amusing or funny. [2/3 definitions]
comical funny; amusing.
comic book a book or magazine that contains a series of cartoons that tell a story. Some comic books tell funny stories, but many comic books are about adventure, love, or other things.
comic strip a series of cartoons in a newspaper that tells a funny story.
drama A drama is a story that can be acted out for an audience. A drama is a play, but usually it is more serious than funny. [1/4 definitions]
effect An effect is something that happens because of something else. If plants don't get enough water, it has a bad effect on them. The effect is that they become weak or die. If a person says something funny, it usually has the effect of making other people smile or laugh. Getting a really nice gift usually has the effect of making people happy. [1/6 definitions]
find When you find something funny, it means that you think it's funny when you hear it or see it. If you find a book interesting, it means you think it is interesting when you start reading it. We often use "find" when we talk about our reaction to meeting a person or thing for the first time. [1/6 definitions]
fool a person whose job was to entertain people by acting in a funny or foolish way for a king or noble; jester. [1/6 definitions]
funny When something is funny, it makes you laugh. [2 definitions]
gargle Gargling is something you might do when you have a cold or flu and your throat feels bad. When you gargle, you take some liquid into your mouth. Then you hold your head back and breathe out through the liquid at the back of your mouth. The liquid bubbles and makes a funny noise. After a few seconds, you spit out the liquid and then maybe you do it again. Gargling is a funny thing to do, but it often makes your throat feel better.
hilarious very funny.
humor the ability to express or understand what is funny or amusing. [1/4 definitions]
humorous having the character or quality of humor; funny.
hysterical causing much laughter; wildly funny. [1/2 definitions]
jest a funny saying or action; joke. [2 definitions]
joke a short story, usually with a funny ending, that is told to make people laugh. [1/3 definitions]