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being any living creature, or something people see as a living creature, such as a spirit or ghost [1/2 definitions]
ghost Some people believe that when someone dies, their spirit can sometimes stay on the earth. This spirit is called a ghost. People who believe in ghosts say that a ghost looks like the person who has died or like something white that can float through the air. [2 definitions]
ghostly like a ghost; pale or eerie.
haunt to live in or visit as a ghost. [1/3 definitions]
haunted If a place is haunted, people feel the presence of a ghost in it.
insist If you insist that you saw a ghost, you say that firmly to other people and you don't let them change your mind about it. [1/2 definitions]
phantom a ghost or something else that seems real, but is not real.
spirit a being that is not of this world, such as a devil, ghost, or fairy. [1/5 definitions]
spook (informal) a ghost; phantom. [1/2 definitions]