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claw A claw is part of the leg of an insect and some animals that live in water. The claw is used to catch or grab things. [1/4 definitions]
clutch1 to try to grab (usually followed by "at"). [1/4 definitions]
grab When you grab something, you take it into your hand suddenly or strongly. [2 definitions]
nab to grab or snatch. [1/2 definitions]
pluck to grab and remove quickly. [1/6 definitions]
pounce to jump or swoop down in order to grab or take something. [1/2 definitions]
seize to take hold of in a quick, forceful way; grab. [1/2 definitions]
snap to grab or try to grab something suddenly with the teeth (usually followed by "at"). [1/15 definitions]
snatch to take quickly or suddenly; grab. [1/3 definitions]
tackle When somebody tackles another person, they grab them and pull them to the ground. In American football, players try to tackle the player on the other team who is carrying the ball. [1/3 definitions]