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bury to put in a grave or tomb, or in the sea. [1/2 definitions]
grave1 A grave is a hole dug in the ground where a dead body is buried.
grave2 If someone is in grave danger, they are in very serious danger. Something that is grave is very serious or dangerous. It can cause people to be very scared or worried. A grave thing is sometimes a thing that is very important because it concerns very serious things.
headstone a stone set at the head of a person's grave; tombstone. Headstones honor that person's memory and usually have writing carved into them.
serious not smiling or laughing; solemn; grave. [1/4 definitions]
tomb a hole in which a dead body is buried; grave. [1/2 definitions]
tombstone a piece of stone that marks a grave and may give the dead person's name and dates of birth and death; gravestone.