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Children's Dictionary
ahoy a word used as a greeting to attract the attention of sailors on a ship.
card1 a small, thick piece of paper used for messages, such as a greeting card, or postcard. [1/4 definitions]
compliment (plural) a polite greeting. [1/3 definitions]
dear (capitalized) used as a greeting that begins a letter. [1/5 definitions]
hail1 used to express a greeting or acclamation. [1/4 definitions]
hello a word used as a greeting, statement of surprise, or call for attention. [2 definitions]
nod to move the head up and down as to show greeting or approval. [1/4 definitions]
reception way of greeting or welcoming. [1/6 definitions]
respect (plural) a polite expression of greeting or esteem. [1/6 definitions]
shake to take the hand of another in greeting or congratulations. [2/10 definitions]
trick or treat used as a playful greeting and request while carrying out the Halloween tradition of trick or treat. [1/2 definitions]
valentine a greeting card or gift sent on Valentine's Day. [1/2 definitions]
welcome a warm or friendly greeting. [1/8 definitions]