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astonish If something astonishes you, it surprises or amazes you very, very much. You can hardly believe it.
barely only just; hardly.
hardly When you can hardly do something, it's almost impossible to do it. You can do it, but only with very great difficulty. If you can hardly hear someone on the telephone, then it is almost impossible for you to hear them. You have to ask them to speak louder.
hummingbird A hummingbird is a very small bird with bright, shiny colors. It moves its narrow wings very, very fast in the air. The wings move so fast that you can hardly see them. Hummingbirds live in South America, Central America, and North America.
little hardly at all. [1/9 definitions]
new moon The "new moon" is one of the four phases that the moon goes through every month. In every phase, the lit up part of the moon looks smaller or larger in the sky. When the moon is in the new moon phase, there is no part that is lit up and we can hardly see the moon at all. The new moon phase happens when the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth.
phase When we see the moon in the sky at night, sometimes it looks completely white and round, but sometimes we can hardly see it at all. This is because the moon goes through different phases during every month. With each phase, we see more or less of the moon in the sky. When the moon looks completely white and round, we call it a "full moon." A full moon is just one of the moon's phases. [1/2 definitions]