about |
If your dog is about the yard, it means that the dog is somewhere in your yard. We know he is not outside of the yard. [1/9 definitions] |
absolute |
If someone's power or authority is absolute, it means that it has no limits. If a king has absolute power, he can make whatever laws he wants and can break any laws he wants. [1/4 definitions] |
A.D. |
A.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin words "anno domini." The abbreviation A.D. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 A.D." The year after that is called "2 A.D." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. Instead of "A.D.," though, people often use "C.E." nowadays, which stands for "Common Era" or "Christian Era." |
anything |
If you like doing anything with your friends, it means that you like whatever you do with your friends. It doesn't matter which thing you do--you're always happy. If your brother will eat anything, it means he doesn't care what he eats. Maybe he will even eat bugs! [2/3 definitions] |
anyway |
Sometimes we use "anyway" to say that something doesn't matter. Let's say your dad tells your brother not to run, but he runs anyway. This means that it doesn't matter that your dad tell him not to run. He runs even though he is told not to. |
around |
If your dad will be home around dinner time, it means that he will be home near dinner time. He might be a little bit late or a little bit early. If you have around fifty cents in your pocket, you might have a little more or less than that, but the amount is near fifty cents. [1/11 definitions] |
assign |
If your dad assigns you to do a job, he gives you that job to do. He has chosen you to do this job and not someone else. [1/3 definitions] |
B.C.1 |
B.C. is an abbreviation of the words "before Christ." The abbreviation B.C. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before the time of Jesus Christ. The year before Christ was born is called "1 B.C." The year before that is called "2 B.C." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses Christ's birth in this way. Instead of "B.C.," though, people often use "BCE" nowadays, which stands for "before the Common Era." The words are different but it also refers to the birth of Jesus Christ. |
behind |
If your brother is in second grade and you are in fourth grade, he is behind you in school. [1/6 definitions] |
blackmail |
Let's say you did something bad and your brother saw you do it. You know he can tell your parents and get you in trouble, but he says he will not tell them what you did if you pay him some money. What your brother is trying to do is to blackmail you. He is trying to get money from you in return for not revealing your secret. [1/2 definitions] |
block |
If your little brother blocks the door to the bathroom, he makes it difficult for you to get into the bathroom. If a tree falls and blocks the road, cars can't get through. [1/3 definitions] |
boy |
A boy is a male child or a young male person. If someone is a boy, he is not an adult yet. [1/2 definitions] |
Buddhist |
A Buddhist is a person who believes in the ideas of Buddhism. Buddhism is a way of thinking about the world and how to live a peaceful life. 2,500 years ago, a man named Siddhartha was a prince in India. It is said that he left his easy life and went out into the world to try to understand why people have sadness and pain in their lives. He wanted to know what people can do about these things. After studying and thinking a lot, he "woke up" to the idea that pain and suffering are part of life but that people can still be happy by leading very simple lives and being good to others. Siddhartha began to teach other people these things, and, after some time, he came to be known as Buddha, one who has "woken up" to a great truth. |
C.E. |
"C.E." is an abbreviation of the words "Common Era "or "Christian Era." It is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 C.E." The year after that is called "2 C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. "A.D." is an older abbreviation" that gives the same meaning as "C.E." |
Christian |
When something is Christian, it has to do with Jesus Christ, what he said, or the religion that is based on his life. [1/2 definitions] |
commute |
If your dad commutes to work, he travels a fairly long distance there and back every day. |
court |
When we talk about the court of a king or queen or emperor, we mean the place where he or she lives or rules from, or we mean all the advisers and other important people who serve the ruler. [1/7 definitions] |
deal1 |
The way a person deals with people is the way he or she acts toward them, especially when there are difficult situations or there are problems to solve. [1/7 definitions] |
decorate |
When a soldier is decorated, it means that he or she has been given a medal or badge to honor them for things they have done. [1/3 definitions] |
diaper |
A diaper is something a baby wears under clothing or when he or she is not wearing any clothes. It goes around the baby's waist and between the legs. A diaper is made of soft cloth or other soft material. |
discipline |
When a coach disciplines a team, he or she trains the team to follow the rules well and to play in the way that he or she knows is best. [1/7 definitions] |