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altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
characteristic A characteristic is something that makes a person or thing different from others. The color of your eyes is one characteristic that makes you different from many other people in the world. The color of your hair and your height are also characteristics that make you different. Groups also have characteristics that make them different from other groups. A characteristic of fish, for example, is that they live in water. A characteristic of spiders is that they have eight legs. [1/3 definitions]
checkup If you go to the doctor for a checkup, the doctor will look at you and do some things to see how healthy you are. The doctor listens to your heart, looks into your mouth and ears, measures your height and weight, and does some other things.
dimension When we are talking about dimensions, we are talking about height, width, or depth. Objects that we can touch have three dimensions. They are at least a little bit wide, deep, and high. [2 definitions]
elevation the height to which something rises or is raised, or its height above sea level or ground level. [1/2 definitions]
even at the same level or height; parallel. [1/12 definitions]
height Height is how high something is. [3/4 definitions]
ht. abbreviation of "height."
level being of the same height or position as another. [1/10 definitions]
lofty of great height; high. [1/3 definitions]
measure If your sister measures four feet, it means her height is four feet. If your room measures ten feet in width, then your room is ten feet wide. [1/6 definitions]
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a hill. [1/2 definitions]
overhead at any height directly or generally above the head. [1/3 definitions]
relief map a map that shows the height or depth of different places in an area. Relief maps may use three dimensions, different colors, or different shadings to show hills, mountains, and valleys.
respect Let's say you have a question with respect to a new rule. It means you have a question that has to do with this new rule. If you make a comment with respect to something, you make a comment in connection with this thing. If you and your friend are similar with respect to height and weight, it means that the two of you are similar in connection with these two things. [1/7 definitions]
rise an increase in height or level. [1/16 definitions]
short having little height; not tall. [1/9 definitions]
skyrocket to rise or cause to rise with the speed, suddenness, and height of a rocket. [1/2 definitions]
soar to fly or glide in a swift, easy way and at a very great height. [1/3 definitions]
solid having a firm shape or form that can be measured in length, width, and height; not like a liquid or a gas. [2/8 definitions]
tall of more than the average height. [2/3 definitions]