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aloha a Hawaiian word used for saying either "hello" or "goodbye."
bow1 When you bow, you bend your head or top half of your body forward. When you bow, it sends a message to other people. Sometimes bowing means "Thank you," and sometimes it means "Hello. I show respect to you." Sometimes it means "Yes, I will do what you asked." [1/2 definitions]
gesture A gesture is a small movement you make with a part of your body that shows an idea or feeling to another person. When you wave at someone, you are making a gesture that says "Hello!" or that says "I'm over here! We often make gestures when we talk and they help us express our feelings or give support to what we are saying. [1/2 definitions]
greeting A greeting is something you might say or do when you see a person you know, or when you meet someone for the first time. People often say hello, wave, or shake hands as a greeting. [1/2 definitions]
hello a word used as a greeting, statement of surprise, or call for attention. [1/2 definitions]
hi (informal) "Hello!"
howdy "Hello"; "How are you?"
informal When we talk to our good friends, we usually use informal words. Informal language is language we use when we are talking with people we feel very comfortable with. We don't feel we have to be completely polite or perfect in the way we speak. We can talk in a very relaxed way. When we say "Hey! What's up?" we're talking in informal language. In a more formal way, we might say "Hello. How are you?" [1/2 definitions]
interjection An interjection is one word or a short phrase that we use to show some feeling or give a special short message. Words like "ouch," "hello," "hey," and "thanks" are interjections.
regard (plural) When you send someone your regards, you send them your best wishes because you like and respect them. You tell someone to say hello to them for you. [1/5 definitions]
upon When you say "hello" upon meeting someone, it means that you say "hello" at the time you meet them. [1/2 definitions]
wave When you wave, you move your hand or arm up and down or backward and forward. We often wave when we see someone we know and we want to say hello, or when we want someone to see us. [1/9 definitions]