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ambush a surprise attack made from a hidden place. [2/3 definitions]
blind out of sight; hidden. [1/7 definitions]
bug (informal) a tiny microphone hidden for the purpose of listening to and recording voices secretly. [1/6 definitions]
catch a hidden trick or flaw in something. [1/13 definitions]
conceal to hide or keep hidden from sight.
eclipse the blocking from view of the sun, a moon, or a planet by another heavenly body. In an eclipse of the sun, the sun is hidden from earth's view by the moon passing between the sun and the earth. [1/3 definitions]
ferret to search for lost or hidden items or information. [1/4 definitions]
frisk to search for something hidden by passing one's hands over a person's clothing. [1/2 definitions]
hidden When something is hidden, you can't see it. [2 definitions]
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden or stored in order to have it available in the future. [1/2 definitions]
keep under wraps to keep secret or hidden.
lurk to be hidden; lie in wait. [1/2 definitions]
mine2 a kind of bomb hidden in the ground or in water. A mine is set off by putting pressure on it or by lighting its fuse. [1/5 definitions]
onto aware of another's hidden reasons for doing something. [1/2 definitions]
open the condition of being without secrecy or not being hidden (usually used with "the"). [1/16 definitions]
participle A participle is a certain form of a verb. Words like "broken," "fallen," and "begun" are participles, and so are "breaking," "falling," and "beginning." The first set of participles can be used in sentences with the verb "have," as in "The water has begun to boil." The second set of participles can be used with a form of the verb "be," as in "The play is beginning." The first set of participles are called "past participles," and the second set are called "present participles." Sometimes these types of words can also be used alone as adjectives, for example, when we say "the broken lamp" or the "falling snow." Past participles are also used in sentences like "The leaves were blown away by the wind," "The money was hidden under a rock," and "The songs were sung too fast."
partly When the sun is partly hidden by a cloud, it means that some of the sun is hidden but not all of it. If you are partly to blame for something, you deserve some of the blame for it but not all of it.
recess (plural) hidden places. [1/4 definitions]
secluded hidden away from view. [1/2 definitions]
secret something hidden on purpose, such as knowledge or information. [1/5 definitions]
smolder to be present or continue in a quiet or hidden way. [1/2 definitions]