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alias a false name used to hide one's real name. [1/2 definitions]
ashamed When you are ashamed, you feel bad about something you did or said. You might have a feeling that you want to go away and hide from other people. [1/3 definitions]
camouflage a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surroundings. The military uses camouflage to hide people, buildings, or vehicles from the enemy. [2 definitions]
cloak to hide or cover with or as if with a cloak. [1/3 definitions]
cocoon a covering made by young insects and some other arthropods to protect themselves while they change from a pupa into an adult. Some spiders make cocoons to hide their eggs.
conceal to hide or keep hidden from sight.
cover something laid over or on something else to shelter, protect, or hide it. [1/7 definitions]
curtain the curtain used to hide the stage in a theater. [2/4 definitions]
deceit the quality that makes someone tell lies or hide the truth. [1/2 definitions]
disguise to cover or hide so as to hide the truth. [3/4 definitions]
display When you display something, you don't hide it or hold it back. You show it in public. [1/4 definitions]
embarrassed If you have done something that you think is silly or stupid and other people know about it, you might feel embarrassed. If someone says or does something that makes other people laugh at you, you might feel embarrassed then too. When you are embarrassed, your face might get red or feel hot, or you might want to hide your face or run away.
embarrassing causing a feeling of emotional discomfort or shame, often making one's face become red or one's cheeks to feel hot, or causing one to wish to hide from others.
harbor to hide or conceal. [1/5 definitions]
hid past tense and a past participle of "hide."
hidden "Hidden" is the past participle of "hide." [1/2 definitions]
hide1 When you hide something, you put it where no one can see it. If you hide your feelings, you keep your feelings inside. You don't show how you feel to others. [3 definitions]
hideout a place where a person can hide from the police or other people.
mask to cover up or hide. [1/6 definitions]
mist to cover or hide with or as if with mist. [1/4 definitions]
open When you are open, you give your honest opinions and you don't hide things. [1/17 definitions]