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hinge to supply or join with a hinge. [1/3 definitions]
knocker a metal piece with a hinge that is attached to the outside of a door. A knocker is used to call for those inside.
padlock a lock with a bar shaped like a U used to fasten doors, boxes, or cables. One end of the bar moves on a hinge. The other end of the bar is slipped through a ring before being snapped into the body of the lock. [1/2 definitions]
scallop a small invertebrate animal that lives in the ocean. A scallop lives inside of two shells that are attached to each other with a kind of hinge. These rounded, ribbed shells protect the scallop's soft body. The hinged shells can be opened and closed using a large muscle of the scallop. People sometimes eat this muscle. Scallops are mollusks and are closely related to clams and mussels. [1/4 definitions]
tongs (usually used with a plural verb) a tool used to grasp small objects. Tongs have two arms that are held together by a hinge and are usually made of metal.
transom a small window above a door. A transom is often attached with a hinge so that it can be opened and shut.
trapdoor a door that is fitted into a floor, ceiling, or roof. Some trapdoors open and close by sliding, and others use a hinge.