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A.D. A.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin words "anno domini." The abbreviation A.D. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 A.D." The year after that is called "2 A.D." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. Instead of "A.D.," though, people often use "C.E." nowadays, which stands for "Common Era" or "Christian Era."
age a period of history. [1/8 definitions]
American An American is a person who was born in the United States. Some people who come from other countries also become Americans when they pass a test in English about the government and history of America. [1/4 definitions]
Asian American of or having to do with American people of Asian origin, or their history or culture. [1/2 definitions]
B.C.1 B.C. is an abbreviation of the words "before Christ." The abbreviation B.C. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before the time of Jesus Christ. The year before Christ was born is called "1 B.C." The year before that is called "2 B.C." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses Christ's birth in this way. Instead of "B.C.," though, people often use "BCE" nowadays, which stands for "before the Common Era." The words are different but it also refers to the birth of Jesus Christ.
B.C.E. B.C.E. is an abbreviation of the words "before the Common Era." This abbreviation is often used for dates in history. The abbreviation B.C.E. (or "BCE") is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before Jesus Christ was born. The year before Jesus Christ was born is called "1 B.C.E." The year before that is called "2 B.C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and Jesus Christ is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses the year of Christ's birth in this way. "B.C.E." replaces an older abbreviation, which is "B.C."
C.E. "C.E." is an abbreviation of the words "Common Era "or "Christian Era." It is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 C.E." The year after that is called "2 C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. "A.D." is an older abbreviation" that gives the same meaning as "C.E."
century one of the hundred-year periods into which human history is divided. Centuries are usually counted forward or backward from the beginning of the Christian era. [1/2 definitions]
civilization Civilization is what it is called when a group of people settle in one place and begin to use symbols to write down their language, and when they begin to make art, create a set of laws, and write down their history. [1/3 definitions]
classical Something that is called "classical" has a refined style that was developed during a time that is considered a high point in the history of a particular culture. [1/3 definitions]
continent A continent is one of Earth's very large areas of land. These continents are usually considered to be Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. When we talk about the countries that make up a particular continent, we often include islands that are close to that continent or are connected with it by culture and history. For example, when we talk about the island country of Madagascar, we call it part of Africa even though it does not actually touch the continent.
depression When people talk about "the Depression," they are usually talking about "the Great Depression." This was a time in history--the time between 1929 and 1939--when business was especially bad in the United States and around the world. Many people lost jobs, and many, many people became poor and homeless. [1/4 definitions]
encyclopedia An encyclopedia is a book, or a set of books, or an online resource that has information on many subjects. Encyclopedias have information about famous people, events in history, places in the world, animals, and many other things.
epoch an important period in human history.
era a period of time in history. An era often begins or ends with an important event.
etymology an explanation of the history of a word and its meanings. [1/2 definitions]
fate the power that is often believed to decide what will happen in human life or history. [1/3 definitions]
figure A figure is a person or other being who is well known or important. A figure in the sport of baseball is a well-known person in baseball. A figure in history is a famous or important person in history [1/8 definitions]
generation a level or single step in the history of a family. [1/6 definitions]
historian one who writes about or is an expert on history.
historic important in history.