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against We often use "against" when we talk about something touching or hitting something else with strong force. When waves crash against a beach, it means that the waves hit the beach with force. [1/4 definitions]
aim When you aim something, you point it carefully in the direction of the thing you want to hit. [1/5 definitions]
badminton a sport in which players use rackets to hit a small rubber object back and forth across a high net.
ball1 A ball is something we often throw, hit, or kick in sports or games. A ball is usually completely round, but some balls have a shape similar to an egg. [1/2 definitions]
bang a sudden or hard hit or blow. [2/5 definitions]
bat1 a club of wood or metal used to hit the ball in baseball, softball, or cricket. [2/3 definitions]
beach ball A beach ball is a kind of ball that children and adults can play with together. It is full of air and made of very light material, so it is easy to hit it and make it fly. The sides of the ball are made of plastic in different colors. People often play with a beach ball when they go to a beach for fun.
bean To hit on the head with a ball or other thrown object. [1/4 definitions]
beat to hit again and again. [2/9 definitions]
bell A bell is a thing made of metal that makes a ringing sound when something hits it. It often has the shape of a cup or a bowl. Usually, there is something attached to it inside that can move and can hit the bell to make the sound.
billiards a game played with long sticks and hard balls on a special table covered with cloth. Players use a stick to hit the balls against each other and into pockets along the edges of the table.
black eye bruised skin around the eye, often caused by being hit.
blow1 a quick, hard hit by the fist or by a hard object. [1/2 definitions]
bounce to cause to hit against something and spring back. [1/4 definitions]
bowl2 When you bowl, you play the game of bowling. Bowling is a kind of game or sport. In bowling, people roll a heavy ball down a long wooden floor and try to hit some standing pieces of wood called "pins." People score points when the pins fall down.
bowling Bowling is a game in which people roll a heavy ball down a long wooden floor and try to hit some standing pieces of wood called "pins." People score points when they hit the pins and make them fall down.
box2 a hit or blow struck with the hand or fist. [2/3 definitions]
bump to knock against or hit, often by accident. [1/7 definitions]
butt3 to hit or push with the head or horns.
chisel A chisel is a metal tool with a sharp edge. It is used for carving or cutting stone, wood, or metal. Usually, you use a hammer or mallet to hit the top of the chisel, and the force of the hammer or mallet pushes the chisel into the hard material.
clap When you clap, you hit your hands together again and again as a way to show that you like something.