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abandon to give up (one's home, fort, ship, or the like) by leaving it. [1/3 definitions]
adopt When you adopt something, you accept a new thing and make it your own. When people adopt a baby, the baby becomes part of their family. When people adopt pets, they bring them into their home and care for them for a long time. [1/2 definitions]
afield away from one's home. [1/2 definitions]
Angola Angola is a country in Africa. It is a large country on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Angola is home to the African buffalo and also to lions, zebras, and giraffes.
appliance a device used for a particular purpose. Stoves, refrigerators, toasters, vacuum cleaners, and room heaters are some appliances used in the home. Most applicances use electricity.
approximately If you get home at approximately four o'clock, it means you get home around four o'clock. You might get there a few minutes before or after four, but the time you get there is near four. If it's approximately two miles from your home to your school, the distance from your home to your school is about two miles. It could be a little more or a little less.
aquarium An aquarium is a container filled with water that people use as a home for fish and other water animals. An aquarium is usually made of clear glass. It can be very small or very big. [1/2 definitions]
Argentina Argentina is a country in South America. Some of its neighbors are Chile and Uruguay. Most of Argentina has a climate that is good for growing crops and raising cattle. The southern part of Argentina is very cold, though. This part of Argentina is not far from Antarctica, and it is home to seals, sea lions, and penguins.
a roof over one's head a place to live; home; shelter.
around If your dad will be home around dinner time, it means that he will be home near dinner time. He might be a little bit late or a little bit early. If you have around fifty cents in your pocket, you might have a little more or less than that, but the amount is near fifty cents. [1/11 definitions]
badger A badger is a strong animal with thick fur. Badgers have stripes on their faces. They also have sharp teeth and long claws. A badger's body is a little long, but it has short legs. A badger usually has its home in the forest.
bag A bag is something people use to hold or carry things. Bags are made of things like cloth, paper, or soft plastic. We often bring things home from a store in a bag. [1/3 definitions]
bathrobe a loose garment worn before or after bathing, over pajamas, or for relaxing in the home.
beehive A beehive is a home for bees. The bees build the beehive themselves. Sometimes we call a beehive a hive.
Belize Belize is a country in Central America. Its neighbors are Mexico and Guatemala. It also lies along the shore of the Caribbean Sea. Most of Belize is covered by forest, and its jungles are home to the jaguar and armadillo.
Botswana Botswana is a country in Africa. Some of its neighbors are Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa. Botswana is a dry country with both desert and mountains. Raising cattle is one of the ways people in Botswana make a living. Another way is by mining to get diamonds and valuable metals. Botswana is home to many wild animals, such as elephants, lions, leopards, hippos, zebras, and buffalo.
briefcase A briefcase is a flat container that is often made of leather and has a handle. Briefcases are used for carrying things like papers or books. Adults often use them when they travel between home and work.
Brunei Brunei is a small country in Asia. Its neighbor is the country of Malaysia. This part of Malaysia shares a large island called Borneo with both Brunei and part of Indonesia. Brunei is covered with rainforest, and it is home to animals such as monkeys, leopards, lizards, crocodiles, and colorful birds.
Bulgaria Bulgaria is a country in Europe. Some of its neighbors are Greece, Turkey, and Romania. Part of Bulgaria lies along the shore of a large sea called the Black Sea. Most people in Bulgaria live in cities, but much of Bulgaria is covered by forest and mountains. These areas are home to bears and wolves.
bulletin board a board on which things such as notices or advertisements are displayed. A bulletin board usually hangs on a wall either in your home or in a public place.
bum (informal) a poor person with no home and no job; tramp. [1/3 definitions]