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allow "Allow" sometimes means to give. If your teacher allows you an hour to finish your work, it means that she gives you an hour to do the work. [1/3 definitions]
analog clock a clock that displays the time using a long hand to show the hour and a short hand to show the minutes.
anytime at any moment, hour, or day; whenever.
colon1 This mark, used to separate the hour and minute in writing times of day, as in "2:43 in the afternoon." [1/2 definitions]
digital When we say that a clock or watch is digital, we mean that it shows the time using a row of numbers. When it is ten minutes after twelve o'clock, for example, a digital clock will show 12:10. On a digital clock, the hour is shown by the numbers on the left, and the minutes are shown by the numbers on the right. There is a mark with two dots between the hour and the minutes. This mark is called a colon. [1/3 definitions]
for When you swim for an hour, it means that an hour is how long you swim. [1/10 definitions]
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour. [1/2 definitions]
hour a unit of time equal to sixty minutes. [3/4 definitions]
hourglass an instrument used to measure time that sends sand through a narrow opening between two larger glass bulbs. It takes exactly one hour for the sand to pass from one bulb to the other.
hour hand the shorter hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face twice a day and indicates the hour.
hourly done or happening every hour. [3 definitions]
hr. abbreviation of "hour" or "hours."
hurricane a powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more. Hurricanes form in the West Indian region of the Atlantic Ocean or in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and Central America.
in We often use in when we talk about how long something takes. If you finish your drawing in an hour, it means it took you an hour, or maybe less, to finish it. [1/6 definitions]
into The word "into" is sometimes used to tell what point or what moment you have reached in some process. If you are an hour into a movie, you are saying at what point in the process of watching the movie you are now. You have reached this point after watching the movie for an hour. [1/4 definitions]
intransitive verb a verb that is not followed by a direct object. In the sentence, "I ran for an hour," "ran" is an intransitive verb.
knot1 a measure of speed used for sea travel. A knot is about 6,080 feet per hour. [1/6 definitions]
lesson If someone gives you a lesson, they teach you something for a period of time, such as an hour or half hour. A lesson is also the thing or things that someone wants you to learn. [1/2 definitions]
limit When you limit something, you don't let it go past a certain point. If your mom limits your game to just one hour, she doesn't let you play for more than that. If one thing limits another thing, it doesn't let it go beyond a certain point. Tight clothes can limit how much you can move, for example. [1/4 definitions]
long1 If a TV show is one hour long, then it takes one hour to watch it. It lasts one hour from beginning to end. If a snake is three feet long, it measures three feet from the tip of its head to the end of its tail. [1/6 definitions]
minute1 a unit of time equal to sixty seconds or one sixtieth of an hour. (abbreviated: min.) [1/4 definitions]