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Children's Dictionary
abdicate to officially give up a position of power or a right.
aglow shining with a soft light; glowing; bright. [1/2 definitions]
approve to consider good or right. [1/3 definitions]
astronaut a person trained to take part in space flight.
balsa a tree of tropical America, whose wood is very light in weight. [1/2 definitions]
barge a large, long boat with a flat bottom used for carrying freight.
beam a narrow ray of light. [1/5 definitions]
bent1 not straight. [1/4 definitions]
big large in size, number, or weight. [1/3 definitions]
black very dark; without light. [1/7 definitions]
blaze1 a bright flame or light. [1/4 definitions]
bleach to make white or lighter in color by using a chemical or sunlight. [1/3 definitions]
blind not able to see; having no sight. [1/7 definitions]
boxcar a railroad car that is enclosed on all sides. It is used for carrying freight.
brand-new having come into being a very short time ago, or having just been bought. [1/2 definitions]
brownie a small fairy or elf who is believed to do good things around the house in secret at night. [1/3 definitions]
bulb a device made of rounded glass used to create electric light. [1/3 definitions]
candle a stick of wax with a wick running through the middle that is burned to give light.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
catch a thing or the amount that is caught. [1/13 definitions]
centipede a small animal with a narrow body like a worm. A centipede's body is divided into many segments, each having a pair of legs. The front legs have poison claws. Centipedes are a kind of arthropod and are active at night.