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Children's Dictionary
Danish (informal) a light, flaky pastry that is made of raised dough, filled with cheese, fruit, or other sweet filling. Danishes are often criss-crossed with white icing. [1/3 definitions]
Danish pastry a light, flaky pastry that is made of raised dough, filled with cheese, fruit, or other sweet filling. Danish pastries are often criss-crossed with white icing.
frosting a sweet covering or filling for baked goods, often made of sugar, butter, and flavoring; icing.
ice to coat or decorate with icing. [1/6 definitions]
powdered sugar sugar that has been ground very fine so that it has become a white powder. Powdered sugar is often used in icing for decorating cakes and other sweet baked things.
sweet roll a round, sweet bread that is served as a single portion and usually eaten as a breakfast food. Sweet rolls may contain cinnamon, raisins, nuts, or other flavorings and may be topped with icing.