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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous. [1/2 definitions]
cataract a clouding of the lens of the eye, blocking out light and making it difficult or impossible to see. [1/2 definitions]
confuse to cause misunderstanding, or to make understanding difficult or impossible; mix up; bewilder. [1/2 definitions]
defy to challenge or dare to do something very difficult or impossible. [1/3 definitions]
disability If you have a disability, you have a condition that makes it difficult or impossible to do something that most other people can do. For example, some people have a physical disability that makes it difficult for them to walk. Some people have a disability that makes it difficult for them to learn things. Some people have a disability that prevents them from doing typical kinds of work. Some disabilities can go away with time and effort, and some disabilities are permanent. Scientist are always working on inventions that can help, though.
disabled When a person is disabled, it's difficult or impossible for them to do certain physical things, or they cannot do certain mental tasks easily. Some people are born with a problem that causes them to be disabled. For example, they could be born without an arm. Some people become disabled after an accident or an illness. Some people are disabled for only a short time in their lives, and others may be disabled for a long time or all their lives.
dream If you dream that something will happen, you strongly wish that it will happen even if it is very difficult or impossible. [1/6 definitions]
fabulous almost impossible to believe; amazing. [1/2 definitions]
fireproof difficult or impossible to set on fire or to damage or destroy with fire.
hardly When you can hardly do something, it's almost impossible to do it. You can do it, but only with very great difficulty. If you can hardly hear someone on the telephone, then it is almost impossible for you to hear them. You have to ask them to speak louder.
illegible difficult or impossible to read.
immeasurable impossible to measure; very great.
impossible When something is impossible, it means that it can't happen or it can't be done.
inaudible impossible to hear.
incomprehensible impossible to understand.
inconceivable impossible to imagine, understand, or think about.
incredible difficult or impossible to believe. [1/2 definitions]
irresistible impossible not to give in to or resist.
irreversible impossible to reverse, turn back, or change.
longing A longing is a strong desire for something that is difficult or impossible to have.
longingly If you look at something longingly, it means you are looking at it in a way that shows you strongly wish for it even if you can't have it. A longing is a strong desire for something that is difficult or impossible to have.