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additive a substance added to another substance in small amounts to change or improve it.
better to improve. [1/11 definitions]
clean up one's act (informal) to improve one's performance or behavior.
compost a mixture of decaying leaves, vegetables, or manure that is used to improve garden soil.
correction punishment in order to improve. [1/3 definitions]
diet1 a special selection of food and drink to improve one's health or to correct physical problems. [2/3 definitions]
enhance to improve or add to the quality, value, or attractiveness of.
evolve to develop, change, or improve by steps. [1/2 definitions]
Four-H club an organization in the U.S. that teaches young people about farming and how to take care of a home. Four-H clubs are so named because they are meant to improve the heads, hearts, hands, and health of their members.
improve When you improve something, you make it better. [1/2 definitions]
labor union a group of workers that help and protect each other's interests. Labor unions ask employers to improve wages and working conditions.
mend to get back one's health; improve or heal. [1/4 definitions]
nourish to help to grow or improve in some way. [1/2 definitions]
proof to improve so as to protect against or resist weather damage. [1/7 definitions]
reform to make better; improve. [1/3 definitions]
revise to correct or edit so as to improve. [1/2 definitions]
season to improve the flavor of by adding salt, herbs, spices, or other flavorings. [1/4 definitions]
skill When you have skill, you have the ability to do something well. Skill at something can improve with practice and training. [1/3 definitions]
touch to make changes on; improve (usually followed by "up"). [1/11 definitions]
update When a newspaper updates information, it adds newer information to the information that it already gave about something. It gives the most recent information that it can get. When people update something, they add something new to it, or make small changes to it to improve it. [2/3 definitions]