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Children's Dictionary
colonial of or related to the thirteen British colonies that became the United States, or to the period before they became independent. [1/2 definitions]
complex sentence a sentence made of a main or independent clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clauses. An example of a complex sentence is, "I went to the theater, which was very crowded with people."
compound sentence a sentence made of two or more independent clauses. The sentences are joined by a conjunction or semicolon. "The sky darkened, and the wind howled" is a compound sentence.
free not under the control of another; independent. [1/10 definitions]
independence the state or condition of being independent. [1/2 definitions]
nation a people living under its own independent government. [1/2 definitions]
nationalism devotion to one's own nation; desire for one's nation to be successful or independent; patriotism.
semicolon a punctuation mark (;). It is used to separate independent clauses in a sentence when there is no conjunction.
separate standing alone; independent. [1/9 definitions]
sovereign having independent government. [1/3 definitions]
Taiwan an island in eastern Asia off the coast of China that, along with a number of other islands, considers itself to be an independent nation and its government to be the true government of China. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan.
Vatican City a small, independent state within the city of Rome, Italy. Vatican City is ruled by the pope of the Catholic Church.
Yugoslavia formerly, a country in southeastern Europe located south of Austria and Hungary. Yugoslavia existed as a country from 1918 until it began to break up toward the end of the twentieth century. Eventually, it split up into the independent countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. Belgrade, which is now the capital of Serbia, was the capital of Yugoslavia.