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Children's Dictionary
Africa the second largest continent. Africa is south of Europe and between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It is in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Antarctic Ocean the waters surrounding Antarctica where the southern parts of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans meet.
Apache a member of a North American Indian people living mostly in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
Arabian Peninsula a peninsula in the Middle East on which lie the countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. The peninsula lies between the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the northeast. The Indian Ocean borders the peninsula on the southeast.
Arabian Sea an arm of the Indian Ocean that lies between India and the Arabian Peninsula.
Asia the largest continent. Asia is surrounded by the Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans, the Red Sea, and eastern Europe. It is in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Australia the smallest continent. Australia is southeast of Asia, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is in the Eastern Hemisphere. [1/2 definitions]
Aztec a member of an Indian people who had an advanced civilization in central Mexico before Spain conquered it in 1519.
Bay of Bengal a bay of the Indian Ocean bordered mostly by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
Buddha the title of the Indian religious leader and teacher who founded Buddhism.
clove1 the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used to flavor food or drink.
Comoros a country made up of three islands that lie in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of the African continent. The capital of Comoros is Moroni.
Creek a member of a group of American Indian peoples formed from groups who lived in Alabama and Georgia, but are now mostly in Oklahoma.
dodo a large bird, now extinct, with wings so small that it could not fly. Dodos were once found on islands in the Indian Ocean.
elephant an enormous mammal with a very long nose called a trunk. Elephants have curved tusks, huge, floppy ears, and four long, thick legs. Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, or lift things. They use their tusks to dig roots. Elephants travel in herds, eating tons of plants every day. African elephants are the largest mammals that live on land. Indian elephants are smaller and can be trained to work with people.
Erie a member of an American Indian people that lived in the region south of this lake. [1/2 definitions]
Ganges a river that flows through northern India and central Bangladesh into the Indian Ocean.
Ganges River a river that flows through northern India and central Bangladesh into the Indian Ocean. The Ganges River is especially important to the people of India and plays an important role in the religion of Hinduism.
hurricane a powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more. Hurricanes form in the West Indian region of the Atlantic Ocean or in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and Central America.
Inca a member of one of the Indian peoples that ruled Peru before being conquered by Spain in the sixteenth century.
India a country in southern Asia surrounded on three sides by the Indian Ocean. New Delhi is the capital of India.