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Children's Dictionary
abdomen the rear part of the body of an insect. [1/2 definitions]
ant an insect that lives in large, organized groups called colonies. Most kinds of ants live in or on the ground. Ants are related to bees and wasps.
aphid a small insect that eats by sucking the juices of plants. Aphids have soft bodies and move slowly.
bee an insect with a hairy body, four wings, and sometimes a stinger. Some kinds of bees live in social groups, and some live alone. Many bees drink nectar from flowers.
beetle1 an insect with a pair of hard front wings that covers a pair of thin wings. There are many different kinds of beetles. Japanese beetles, ladybugs, and fireflies are beetles.
bookworm a kind of insect larva that feeds on the glue used in the manufacture of books. [1/2 definitions]
bug an insect with front wings that are thick at the base and thin at the tip. There are many kinds of bugs. All have mouths made for sucking, and most feed on plants. [2/6 definitions]
butterfly an insect with four large wings that flies mostly in the daytime. Butterflies are closely related to moths but have thinner bodies and are usually more brightly colored.
cicada a large insect with a stout body and two pairs of thin, clear wings. The male cicada makes a loud, shrill noise.
claw the grasping part on the leg of a crustacean or insect. [1/4 definitions]
cockroach an insect with a flat body and long antennae that lives in most parts of the world. Some kinds of cockroaches are pests that live in homes and other buildings. All cockroaches are active at night.
cricket1 an insect that is related to a grasshopper. It has long antennae and strong hind legs for jumping. The male makes a chirping noise by rubbing his front wings together.
dragonfly a brightly colored insect with a long, narrow body. It has four long, clear wings that are held out from the body. Dragonflies live near fresh water and eat mosquitoes and other insects.
egg1 a round or oval object that contains what may become a young bird, reptile, insect, or other animal. Each egg includes food to help a developing animal grow. Bird and reptile eggs have shells. Some kinds of eggs are used as food by people and other animals. [1/2 definitions]
firefly an insect whose lower body flashes with light at night. A firefly is a kind of beetle.
first-aid kit a container that holds supplies such as bandages and medicine for treating things like insect bites, wounds, and sudden illness.
flea a tiny insect that does not have wings but can jump far. Fleas feed on the blood of the animals they bite.
fly2 an insect with two wings. Most flies are active in the daytime, and many have large eyes. Mosquitoes and houseflies are among the thousands of types of flies.
glowworm a worm-shaped insect that can give off light from its body. The larvae and the females of the firefly are kinds of glowworm.
gnat a small flying insect with two wings. Some gnats bite people or animals.
grasshopper an insect with long, powerful hind legs for jumping and two pairs of wings. Grasshoppers eat plants.