Reverse Search
Reverse Search allows you to search within the full text of dictionary entries for words, word parts, and phrases.
Search for entries that contain:
Exact matches of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or the word "orange."
Any form of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or "apples" or "orange" or "oranges."
Exact matches of all of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" and the word "orange."
The exact sequence of words and/or characters entered in the search box (for example, a fragment of a word, a single word, multiple words, or even a phrase containing punctuation)
Example: Searching for "a variety of apple" identifies all entries that contain that phrase. Searching for "app" identifies all entries that contain the letters "app," such as occurrences of "apple," "application," and "apply."
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Limit by part of speech:
a beginning computer language. BASIC stands for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code." |
command |
an instruction meant to be obeyed; order. [2/7 definitions] |
grade |
a division made by age to group school children for instruction, or the children who belong to such a division. [1/7 definitions] |
instruction |
Instruction is the act of teaching or giving information. A school is a place where instruction takes place. [1/2 definitions] |
lesson |
a period of instruction in a particular thing, or something that is intended to be learned or studied. [1/2 definitions] |
model |
a copy of an object, sometimes made in the object's typical size, used especially for instruction or display. [1/12 definitions] |
obey |
to follow or carry out the command, instruction, or wishes of. [1/3 definitions] |
P.E.1 |
"P.E." is an abbreviation for "physical education." Physical education is instruction in sports, exercise, and keeping the body clean and in good condition. Physical education is taught in a school. |
physical education |
instruction in sports, exercise, and the care of the human body. Physical education is taught in a school. |
sail |
When someone sails, they operate a boat that has sails. It takes instruction and practice to learn how to sail. [1/10 definitions] |
synagogue |
a place used by Jews for worship and religious instruction. |
teach |
When you teach something, you give instruction in it. [1/2 definitions] |
training |
instruction and practice that prepares a person or animal to do a job, have a skill, or play a sport. |
tuition |
instruction or teaching at a college or private school. [1/2 definitions] |
tutor |
a person who gives private instruction to a student. [1/2 definitions] |
under |
subject to the instruction or guidance of. [1/15 definitions] |