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jellyfish a water animal with a soft body shaped like a bell. Jellyfish have many tentacles hanging down from their bodies. Most kinds of jellyfish live in the ocean.
polyp a small water animal with a soft body and a mouth surrounded by tentacles. Polyps attach themselves to rocks or other underwater objects. Corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish spend part of their lives as polyps and part of their lives floating freely.
Portuguese man-of-war a kind of jellyfish that lives in warm oceans. Each man-of-war is a colony or group of animals that live together. The colony has many long stinging tentacles that can hurt people or other animals.
sea anemone a small sea animal with many tentacles. It looks like a flower. Sea anemones are related to jellyfish, but unlike jellyfish they spend their entire lives attached to underwater objects.