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arm2 (usually plural) weapons. Guns, knives, and bombs are arms. [1/3 definitions]
grindstone a stone wheel that is turned to sharpen knives and tools, grind grain, or sand and shape items by rubbing or scraping.
knives "Knives" is the word we use when we are talking about more than one knife. "Knives" is the plural form of "knife."
silver knives, forks, spoons, and other table utensils made of or coated with silver; silverware. [1/7 definitions]
silverware knives, forks, and spoons. Silverware is used for eating and serving food. It can be made of or plated with silver or other metals. [1/2 definitions]
steel a hard, strong metal made from iron mixed with carbon. Steel is used to make machines, cars, tools, knives, and many other things. [1/4 definitions]
weapon A weapon is something that people fight or attack other people with. Guns, knives, and swords are some kinds of weapons.  [1/2 definitions]