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bookworm a kind of insect larva that feeds on the glue used in the manufacture of books. [1/2 definitions]
caterpillar the larva, or middle life stage, of a moth or butterfly. Caterpillars are round and long like worms, but have six legs. They may be brightly colored.
chigger the tiny larva of a mite that lives in the skin of animals and causes great itching. It is usually not dangerous but can sometimes spread disease.
grub the larva of some beetles and other insects. Grubs are a young stage in the growth of the insect. They look like short, fat worms. [1/3 definitions]
inchworm a moth larva that arches and stretches its body over and over again in order to move forward. Inchworms are thin and look like worms.
larva an insect after it hatches from an egg and before it changes into its adult form. Larvae do not have wings and look like worms. Most kinds of insects spend part of their lives as larvae. Caterpillars are a type of larva. [1/2 definitions]
maggot the larva of flies and certain other insects. Maggots do not have legs or wings.
mayfly a delicate insect with two pairs of wings. The mayfly larva may live for several years in a stream, lake, or river. Once it turns into an adult, it lives for only a few hours. [1/2 definitions]
pupa an insect in a middle stage of its development, after it is a larva. Pupas do not eat or move; they are changing into their adult form. Many kinds of insects, including butterflies, spend their time as a pupa inside a cocoon.