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Children's Dictionary
A.D. after the birth of Jesus Christ. A.D. is an abbreviation for anno domini, which means "in the year of the Lord" in Latin. Something that happened in A.D. 50 happened fifty years after the birth of Christ.
a.m. abbreviation of "ante meridiem," which means "before noon" in Latin; the time between midnight and noon.
Canis Major a constellation in the northern sky that contains Sirius, the brightest of all stars. Canis Major means "Big Dog" in Latin.
Canis Minor a constellation in the northern sky. Canis Minor means "Little Dog" in Latin.
et cetera and others of the same kind; and the like; and so forth. "Et cetera" is Latin for "and others." (abbreviated: etc.)
Hispanic Latin American. [2/3 definitions]
Latin the language of ancient Rome. The Romance languages are derived from Latin. [1/4 definitions]
Latina a woman or girl who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Latin America, or an American woman or girl of Latin American origin. [1/2 definitions]
Latin American of or having to do with Latin America, or its people or languages. [2 definitions]
Latino a person who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Latin America, or an American of Latin American origin. [1/2 definitions]
M.D. the abbreviation of the Latin words "medicinae doctor"; Doctor of Medicine.
Ph.D. a degree that is earned following college after several years of additional study and the completion of a major research project. "Ph.D." is an abbreviation of Latin words which mean "Doctor of Philosophy."
piņata a colorful decorated container, often in the shape of a star, animal, or popular character, that is filled with candies, gifts, or other treats. The container is suspended in the air so that children, blindfolded, may try to break it open so that the treats may be gathered from the ground. The piņata is of Latin American origin.
p.m. the time between noon and midnight. P.M. is the abbreviation of "post meridiem," meaning "after noon" in Latin. [1/2 definitions]
R.I.P. an abbreviation for Latin words that mean "rest in peace." R.I.P is used when a person dies and is often written on a person's gravestone.
romance (capitalized) having to do with certain modern languages that came from Latin. [1/4 definitions]
Romance language one of the modern languages that come from Latin. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are Romance languages.
salsa a spicy sauce made with peppers, onions, and tomatoes. It is used in Latin American food dishes.