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aquifer a layer of rock, sand, or gravel that contains water from which wells and springs are supplied.
bed a supporting base or layer. [1/5 definitions]
bedrock the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, found beneath soil, sand, or gravel.
blanket a layer of something, such as snow, clouds, or flowers, that covers a thing or area. [2/3 definitions]
blubber the layer of fat beneath the skin of whales, seals, and other large sea mammals. [1/2 definitions]
bran the outer layer of wheat and other cereal grains. Bran is left after the grain is ground and the flour or meal is sifted out.
canopy something high in the air or sky that is spread out over the earth. The top layer of branches and leaves in a rainforest, for example, is called a canopy. [1/2 definitions]
clambake a picnic or party on the beach at which clams and other foods are cooked. The food is usually baked or steamed on heated rocks covered with a layer of seaweed.
coat a covering or layer. [2/5 definitions]
coating a layer that covers the surface of something; coat.
crust the outer layer of Earth, another planet, or a moon. [1/5 definitions]
earth the outer layer of the planet; ground. [1/4 definitions]
film a thin layer or coating. [1/5 definitions]
gilt1 covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint; gilded. [2/3 definitions]
ice When you ice a cake, you decorate it with icing. Icing is something sweet usually made from powdered sugar, butter, and milk. It is often used as a thin layer on top of cakes and sometimes doughnuts and other baked things. [1/3 definitions]
layer A layer is something that is spread out over a surface. When dust covers a table, we can say there is a layer of dust on the table. Sometimes there is one layer of something over another layer of it, like when there is one layer of cement over another layer. [2 definitions]
lining1 a layer of tissue or other material covering the inside of something.
mantle the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core. The crust is the top layer of the earth--the layer we live on. The core is the center of our earth. The mantle is very thick and makes up most of the entire planet. [1/2 definitions]
melon a fruit that grows on vines and has a hard outer layer and thick, juicy flesh.
membrane a thin layer of tissue found in living things. Some kinds of membranes cover the outside or inside of organs. Other membranes separate or connect different parts of the body.
millipede a small animal that has a narrow body like a worm, with a hard outer layer. The body of the millipede is divided into many segments, and most segments have two pairs of legs. The millipede is a kind of arthropod.