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common sense ordinary good judgment in everyday matters. Common sense is learned through experience and not through education.
dingo a kind of wild dog found only in Australia. Dingoes have long legs, pointed ears, and yellowish brown or reddish brown fur. They hunt small mammals, but have learned to hunt sheep and cattle brought to Australia by European settlers.
final A final is a test that students take at the end of studying something for a while. It is a test of everything that the students learned, or it is just the last test they will take for that subject. [1/4 definitions]
grammar the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language. Some of these rules have to be learned. Other rules are already in the head of a native speaker. For example, a native English speaker would not say, "I a cat bitten by was," because the grammar does not make sense. When one learns a new language, most of the rules of its grammar have to be learned. [1/2 definitions]
inborn in a person at birth; not learned.
knowledge When you have knowledge of something, you have been introduced to it before. It is not a new or surprising thing for you. When you have knowledge of a person, they are not new to you. You have met them or learned about them before. [1/2 definitions]
learn "Learn" sometimes means "find out" or "discover." If you learned that one of your friends is moving away, it means that you found out that your friend is moving away. [1/4 definitions]
learned If a person is learned, they know a lot because they have studied a lot.
lesson a period of instruction in a particular thing, or something that is intended to be learned or studied. [1/2 definitions]
moral the lesson about right and wrong learned from a story or event. [1/4 definitions]
native Your native language is the language that you learned when you were a baby. Some people have more than one native language because their mother and father spoke two different languages or because of some other reason. People usually speak their native language better than any other language that they learn later in life, and many people speak only their native language. [1/7 definitions]
naturally If you are naturally shy, it means that being shy is just part of who you really are and what you were born with. You have not learned to be shy, and you are not pretending to be shy. If we say that a dog naturally wags its tail, we mean that the dog does that because it is part of being a dog. It's part of what the dog is born with. [1/4 definitions]
review When you review something, you study it again, or you help other people remember what they learned about it. [1/7 definitions]
skill A skill is something a person has learned that helps them do something or helps them succeed in something. [1/3 definitions]
skilled If someone is skilled, they have learned how to do something very well because of careful practice, training, or study, or a combination of these things.
skillful A skillful person is able to do something well because they have practiced a lot and learned many things. When you are a skillful artist, you use the many things that you have learned in doing your art.
toddler a young child, especially one who has just learned to walk.