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ankle the joint between the leg and the foot; the part of the leg just above the foot.
asleep If you leg is asleep, it means that it has no feeling in it. [1/3 definitions]
astride over or upon and with a leg on each side of. [2 definitions]
bind When you bind something, like a person's wounded arm or leg, you wrap something around it. Binding keeps the body part from moving too much. [1/4 definitions]
bionic an electronic or mechanical device that replaces or helps something natural. An artificial leg is one kind of bionic device.
boot a covering for the foot and all or some of the leg. Boots are usually made of leather or rubber. [1/4 definitions]
broken When your leg is broken, the bone inside has a crack in it or it is in pieces. [1/3 definitions]
calf2 the rounded back part of a human's leg below the knee.
cast If someone breaks an arm or a leg, they usually have to wear a cast. A cast is a thick, hard covering for a part of your body that is injured. The cast fits the body part very exactly and keeps the body part from moving and being hurt again. [1/5 definitions]
claw the grasping part on the leg of a crustacean or insect. [1/4 definitions]
compass (often plural) an instrument with two hinged legs that is used for drawing circles. One leg ends in a point and the other holds a pencil. [1/2 definitions]
cramp1 When a muscle in your leg cramps, it gets tight suddenly and causes pain. [1/3 definitions]
cuff1 a band of material at the end of a shirt sleeve or pants leg that is folded over. A cuff is often sewn in place. [1/2 definitions]
drumstick the lower leg of a bird, when thought of as food. [1/2 definitions]
foot the end part of the leg of humans and other animals, on which the body stands and walks. [1/3 definitions]
ham1 the meat from the rear leg of a hog. [2 definitions]
happen If an accident happened last night, it means that there was an accident last night. If there was a storm last night, we might say that a storm happened last night. Things like breaking a leg, getting sick, becoming rich, or winning a prize are some of the many things that happen in people's lives. [1/3 definitions]
hind1 A hind leg of a animal, is one of its back legs. A "hind" thing is a thing that is at or near the back. "Hind" is the opposite of "front."
injure When you injure something like your leg or your arm, you hurt it and cause something bad to happen to it. If you injure yourself, you do something that hurts your body and probably causes you pain. [1/2 definitions]
knee the joint between the upper and lower parts of a human leg. [1/3 definitions]
leg the part of a pair of pants that covers the leg. [2/4 definitions]