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alternate "Alternate" means "every other." If you have a guitar lesson on alternate Tuesdays, then you have a lesson on one Tuesday, but then you skip the next Tuesday. Then you have a lesson again on the Tuesday after that, and so on. [1/7 definitions]
assignment an assigned task, such as a job or lesson. [1/3 definitions]
class a set of lessons for a group of students in a particular subject, or one lesson of such a set. [1/8 definitions]
fable a short tale that teaches a lesson. The characters in fables are often animals who speak and act like people. [1/2 definitions]
lesson If someone gives you a lesson, they teach you something for a period of time, such as an hour or half hour. A lesson is also the thing or things that someone wants you to learn. [2 definitions]
moral the lesson about right and wrong learned from a story or event. [1/4 definitions]
on We sometimes use "on" when we are talking about when something happens. If you have your piano lesson on Wednesday, it means that Wednesday is when you have your lesson. [1/17 definitions]
otherwise "Otherwise" means "if things were different." Let's say you tell someone, "I have a piano lesson on Saturday; otherwise, I would play basketball with you." This means that you would play basketball if things were different. If you didn't have a piano lesson, you would play basketball. [1/3 definitions]
parable a very short story told to teach a moral or religious lesson.
today If you have your piano lesson today, it means that you have your lesson on the day that it is now. [1/4 definitions]