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atmosphere When we talk about the atmosphere of a place, we mean the kind of feeling that the place seems to have. The colors, the noises, and the way people are talking and acting with each other are some of the things that create the atmosphere of a place. An airport has a very different atmosphere from a library, for example. A library usually has a quiet and calm atmosphere. The atmosphere at an airport is often busy and excited. [1/2 definitions]
bookmobile a library located in a bus or van. A bookmobile travels from place to place to lend books.
call number a series of numbers or numbers and letters used to locate a book in a library.
central When something is central, it means that it is in the middle of something. If the library is in the central part of town, it means that it is in the middle part, or center, of the town. [1/2 definitions]
check out When you check out a book at the library, you let the library record the fact that you plan to borrow a particular book. This way, the library knows that the book will be out of the library and that it is you who will have that particular book. Sometimes a library worker helps you check out books and sometimes you check out books using a machine. [1/4 definitions]
devote If the library has small rooms that are devoted to quiet study, it means that these rooms are intended to be used for studying quietly. They are set apart for that purpose. [1/3 definitions]
downtown When you go downtown, you go to the place in your town where many stores and other public buildings are. A town's library, post office, and banks are usually downtown. In some towns and cities, going downtown can also mean going to the lower part of the town or city. [1/2 definitions]
librarian a person trained to work in a library, or who takes care of a particular collection of books.
library A library is a building or a room in a school where many books are kept. You go to the library to borrow books, videos, and other materials.
located When we talk about where something is located, we are talking about where that thing is. If the post office is located next to the library, then next to the library is where the post office is.
open When a place like a store, library, or restaurant is open, it means you can go in and do something there. When a store is open, you can go into the store to buy things. [1/17 definitions]
pass If you pass some time at the library, it means that you spend some time at the library. [1/15 definitions]
past When something is past something else, it is farther away than the other thing as you go or look towards it. Let's say the post office is past the library. If you are walking down the street, you will get to the library before you get to the post office. [1/12 definitions]
public When something is public, it has to do with all the people of a community. Your public library can be used by anyone in your community. When something is public, it is not private. [1/4 definitions]
say If your dad says to meet him in front of the library, it means that he tells you or asks you to meet him in front of the library. If your teacher says to do the first ten math problems in your book, then doing those problems is what you have to do. It's what your teacher asks you to do. [1/7 definitions]
stack (plural) a large high set of bookshelves, or the section of a library where books are stored on high shelves. [1/6 definitions]
the1 "The" is a word we often use before other words like "chair," "library," "dog," and "girl"--words for things, places, or people. We use "the" before words like these when everyone knows which thing or person we are talking about. If we say to a friend, "I lost the key," the friend knows which key you mean out of all the keys in the world.
through If the library is open on Monday through Saturday, it means that the library is open from Monday up to and including Saturday. [1/10 definitions]
user A user is a person who uses something, especially in a repeated way. A library user, for example, is a person who goes to the library a lot and takes out books. A user of an elevator is a person who often takes the elevator to go up or down in a building. [1/2 definitions]