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at the end of one's tether at the limit or end of one's strength or ability.
beyond If a certain thing is beyond something, it is too far away or outside some limit. [1/2 definitions]
bound3 a line not to be crossed; limit; restriction. [3 definitions]
boundary something that marks the edge or limit.
ceiling an upper limit. [1/3 definitions]
confine (usually plural.) border or limit. [1/3 definitions]
cramp2 to limit the freedom of by closely confining.
draw the line to set a limit.
extent the limit of something's reach. [1/2 definitions]
fed up at or beyond the limit of one's patience or tolerance; completely bored or annoyed with something or someone.
horizon the outer limit of vision or knowledge. [1/2 definitions]
infinity in mathematics, the imagined end of a sequence or series even though the sequence or series has no limit. [1/3 definitions]
lavish to give or spend a large amount or without limit. [1/3 definitions]
limit A limit is the place or point where something ends. [3/4 definitions]
line1 a boundary or limit; point at which something must stop. [1/11 definitions]
measure limit. [1/7 definitions]
modify to describe or limit the meaning of; qualify. [1/3 definitions]
number to limit in number or amount. [1/11 definitions]
out If a ball is out, it is beyond a certain limit. [1/14 definitions]
out of bounds beyond a boundary or a set limit.
qualify to limit the meaning or extent of; modify. [2/3 definitions]