advertise |
When you advertise for something, it means you are looking for a certain thing and you put up a notice somewhere, like in a newspaper or online list. In the notice, you tell people you are looking for this thing. Sometimes people advertise for things they want to buy from other people. Sometimes they advertise for a certain kind of person who they can pay to do some work for them. Let's say you want to buy a good but cheap bicycle, you could advertise for one in the newspaper. If somebody has one they want to sell, they will answer your notice. [1/3 definitions] |
agenda |
a list of things to be done or talked about. |
and so on |
"And so on" means "with more of the same type." It's used when you start a list of something and let your reader or listener imagine the type of things that might follow. If you say "In the closet, there are coats, jackets, and so on," you let your listener imagine other typical things that might be in the closet. They might imagine things like hats, boots, scarves. and umbrellas. |
bibliography |
a list of titles about a certain subject. [2 definitions] |
bill1 |
a written list showing the cost of items bought or services provided. [2/5 definitions] |
calendar |
a list of important events arranged in the order in which they happen; schedule. [1/2 definitions] |
catalog |
an organized list of things such as book titles, goods for sale, or other items. Catalogs usually give a short description of each item on the list. [2 definitions] |
check |
When you check off something on a list, it means that you put a mark next to it to show that it is done. [1/9 definitions] |
column |
a vertical list or row. [1/4 definitions] |
come |
We often use the word "come" when we talk about the order of things. If the cake and ice cream come after dinner, it means that the cake and ice cream follow the dinner. If your name comes before your friend's name on a list, it means that your name is above your friend's name. [1/5 definitions] |
comma |
a punctuation mark (,). It is used to separate words, phrases, or other parts of a sentence or list, or to show a pause in speech. It is also used when writing numbers of one thousand or greater to mark off groups of three digits. |
content1 |
All the topics or chapters in a book are called its contents. Some books have a list of the book's contents at the beginning of the book. The list is called a "table of contents," and it also contains page numbers for each item in the list. [1/2 definitions] |
count1 |
to list or name one by one in order to find the total. [2/8 definitions] |
credit |
At the end of a movie or sometimes at the very beginning, there are the names of people who acted in the movie and people who worked to create the movie. There are also names of businesses or places that provided things or services for the movie. The list of names is called the "credits." [1/4 definitions] |
cross |
to mark off or scratch out from a list (usually followed by "out" or "off"). [1/10 definitions] |
directory |
a list of names and addresses of people or businesses. |
enter |
to write on a list; type into a computer. [1/7 definitions] |
entry |
something that is added to a written list or record. [1/4 definitions] |
etc. |
"Etc." is a short way of writing the phrase "et cetera." We use "etc." when we are listing things of a certain category but we don't want to list every single thing, or we don't think it is necessary. We write "etc." at the end of the list as a way of saying, "and more things like this." |
formula |
a list of ingredients or steps; recipe. [1/5 definitions] |
glossary |
a list of unusual or difficult words and their meanings connected with a particular subject or particular piece of writing. A glossary is often placed at the end of a book. |