about |
When you pay about five dollars, it means that you pay close to five dollars. It might be a little more or less than five dollars. [1/9 definitions] |
abrupt |
saying so little as to be rude or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions] |
absolutely |
When you are absolutely sure about something, it means that you are completely sure. You have no doubt at all. If you are absolutely finished with something, there is not even one more little thing to do. [1/2 definitions] |
abstract |
formed in the mind or in thought, with little connection to what actually exists or is proven. [1/3 definitions] |
aerobics |
When people talk about aerobics, they are talking about ways of doing exercise that make the heart and lungs work a little bit hard. This working of the heart and lungs helps the body use oxygen better. Running, swimming, biking, and dancing are some forms of aerobics. |
a little |
If you have a little chocolate, you have a small amount of chocolate. It's not a lot, but it's something. [3 definitions] |
allowance |
An allowance is a little money that some parents give to their children usually once a week. The children can spend the money for something they want. |
aloof |
showing little interest in or desire to be involved with other people; distant. |
although |
"Although" is a word that we use to connect ideas in a sentence. We use "although" to join two ideas that are true but don't seem to agree with each other. "Although" is an important word, but we probably use "even though" more often when we talk. "Even though" is a little stronger, but it has the same meaning. |
annoyance |
An annoyance is someone or something that bothers or irritates you. It makes you a little bit upset or angry. [1/2 definitions] |
anthracite |
a hard, shiny coal that burns with little flame or smoke. |
any |
If it is not any colder today than it was yesterday, then it is not at all colder today than yesterday. It is not even a little colder. If your cousins are not any smarter than you, then you are exactly as smart as your cousins or maybe even smarter. [1/5 definitions] |
apostrophe1 |
An apostrophe is a little mark that you see in certain words like "can't" and "I'm." It goes between letters to show that something is missing there. A word like "can't" is a short way of writing and saying "cannot." Using the apostrophe shows that the meaning is the same as "cannot" but that letters are missing and the sound is different. [1/3 definitions] |
approximate |
If somebody tells you the approximate time a game will end, they tell you what time they think it will end, but they might be a little wrong. They are just guessing. An approximate time or approximate amount is probably close to the real time of something or a real amount of something, but probably not exact. [1/2 definitions] |
approximately |
If you get home at approximately four o'clock, it means you get home around four o'clock. You might get there a few minutes before or after four, but the time you get there is near four. If it's approximately two miles from your home to your school, the distance from your home to your school is about two miles. It could be a little more or a little less. |
apricot |
An apricot is a soft, round fruit with fuzzy skin. Its color is light orange, sometimes with a bit of pink in it. Apricots look similar to peaches, but they are smaller and taste a little different. Apricots are often made into jam. |
arch1 |
When you arch something, you form a curve in it that looks a little like an arch. When you arch your back, your back goes up in a curving shape. [1/2 definitions] |
arid |
When a place has an arid climate, it means it gets very little rain. An arid region is a very dry region. |
Arkansas |
a state in the south central United States. Its capital is Little Rock. (abbreviated: AR) |
around |
If your dad will be home around dinner time, it means that he will be home near dinner time. He might be a little bit late or a little bit early. If you have around fifty cents in your pocket, you might have a little more or less than that, but the amount is near fifty cents. [1/11 definitions] |
ashamed |
Sometimes when you are ashamed, you feel bad about something that is yours. You feel that it is not as good as what other people have, or maybe you think it is something for little kids and you are too old for it. You might not want other people to see it or know that it is yours. You are afraid they will laugh or not respect you because of it. [1/3 definitions] |