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bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [1/2 definitions]
cake a sweet, baked food made of flour, eggs, sugar, and flavoring. Cakes can be made in the form of a loaf or layers. [1/4 definitions]
crust Crust is the slightly hard, outside part of a loaf of bread or other things that are baked. Crust is made of a flour dough. The bottom part of a pizza or a pie is made from dough and called the crust. [1/2 definitions]
heel1 A heel is the end piece of something. The heel of a loaf of bread is the end piece of bread. [1/5 definitions]
loaf1 When bread is baked and comes out of the pan, it is a loaf. A loaf is the whole quantity of bread and not just a piece. [2 definitions]
loaves plural of "loaf."
meatloaf Meatloaf is a food made of ground meat mixed with things like egg, spices, onions, salt, and something like bread crumbs, oatmeal, or rice. A meatloaf is made into a shape similar to a bread loaf and it is baked in the oven. After it is baked, it is cut into slices.