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area code a set of three numbers given to different areas of the United States and Canada for telephone service. An area code must be dialed before the telephone number when calling someone outside a local area.
bishop A bishop is a priest or minister who holds a high position in a large church organization. A bishop is of a higher rank than the priest or minister of a local church. [1/2 definitions]
chapter a local branch of a club or organization. [1/2 definitions]
county a section into which some countries are divided for local government. [1/3 definitions]
local a local vehicle of transport such as a bus. [2/5 definitions]
lodge a local branch of certain organizations, or the place they meet. [1/7 definitions]
long distance telephone service that is not local.
municipal of or having to do with a local government or unit of government.
trading post a store in a frontier area or other place far from towns. At a trading post, local products can be traded for goods brought from distant places.
Viking The Vikings were warriors from northern Europe, from lands that are now Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. They had power and were important in history from around the year 700 to the year 1100. The Vikings sailed to many places in Europe. They were strong and scary. They attacked and conquered many towns and villages, especially in England, France, and Russia. Some Vikings settled in the new places, set up laws, and often married local people. Vikings were also traders who brought goods from faraway places and traded them for gold, silver, and other goods in the areas that they conquered.