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Afghanistan Afghanistan is a country in Asia. It is in an area of the world called the Middle East. It is a country with many mountains, but other parts of the country are low and dry. Soccer is one of the favorite sports in Afghanistan, and rice with raisins and cooked carrots is a popular food.
balcony a platform with a low wall or railing that extends from the outside of a building. [1/2 definitions]
bargain If you buy something good for a low price, we sometimes say you got a bargain. [1/3 definitions]
bass1 the part of music that requires the lowest range of pitch, or sounds made in the low range. [1/3 definitions]
bass drum a large drum that makes a low, booming sound.
bassoon A bassoon is a kind of instrument for playing music. It is a tall instrument and can play some very low notes. The main part of its body is a long wooden tube. A smaller, metal tube is attached to it, and this has a part that you blow through to make sounds.
Bolivia Bolivia is a country in South America. Bolivia has high mountains and also land that is very flat and very low. Bolivia shares a very large, deep, and beautiful lake with its neighbor, Peru. It is called Lake Titicaca. It is high in the Andes mountains.
boom1 When something booms, it makes a very low and loud noise. [2 definitions]
bush1 a low plant with many woody branches; shrub.
buzz a soft, low hum. [1/4 definitions]
cheap having a low price. [2/4 definitions]
cockpit a low, open area near the stern of a boat with space for the person steering, the crew, and passengers. [1/2 definitions]
coffee table a long, low table usually placed in front of a sofa.
cold having a body temperature below normal. [2/7 definitions]
croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice. [2 definitions]
cyclone a storm with very strong winds that turn around a center of low pressure in the atmosphere.
Czech Republic The Czech Republic is a country in Europe. Some of its neighbors are Germany, Poland, and Slovakia. The Czech Republic has many low mountains and hills. Many tourists come to the Czech Republic to see its capital city, Prague. Prague is a modern city but has interesting old sights such as a beautiful stone bridge and a large castle.
deep low in pitch. [1/7 definitions]
degree We often use the word "degree" when we talk about the level of something--how high or how low the level is. When you talk about how happy someone is, you are talking about their degree of happiness. If someone is happy to a high degree, it means they are very happy. Their level of happiness is high. [2/4 definitions]
dejected in low spirits; sad.